New office in the heart of KL
Fuji Xerox marked the launch of its first ever sustainability report and the opening of its new Malaysian headquarters at Menara Binjai in Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle recently.
The document solutions provider is the first in its industry to offer a report of this kind for a Malaysian audience.
Present were Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry secretary-general Datuk Loo Took Gee, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Malaysia) president Sunil Gupta and Fuji Xerox Co Ltd corporate vice-president Masashi Honda.
The sustainability report became a top priority after the company signed the UN Global Compact, a report which encourages businesses to work in a way that ensures environmental sustainability for the future.
The report aims to highlight the way Fuji Xerox Malaysia is abiding by the ten principles highlighted by the UNGC, while also encouraging other businesses in the industry to follow suit.
“We hope this will encourage other Malaysian companies to also integrate sustainability. Companies can create competitive goods and services without diluting their commitment to sustainability,” said Gupta.
Fuji Xerox’s commitment to sustainability is evident in both the technology it develops and the projects it helps fund, which includes an initiative to plant 10,000 mangrove trees by 2015, and a drive to reduce their customers’ carbon dioxide emissions by seven million tonnes by 2020.
Loo applauded the company on their environmental initiative, and urged other companies to also “practice, and not only preach on sustainability for our environment”.
“All of us here as responsible Malaysians and global citizens must do our share to address the issues of climate change and global warming”, said Loo.
The event also celebrated the company’s move to a new office space, located on the 23rd floor of the Menara Binjai building The office tower is the first to be awarded a Green Mark Gold Certification by Singapore’s Provisional Building and Construction Authority.
Fuji Xerox Malaysia’s 700 staff and other guests witnessed the official signing of the lease of the Menara Binjai offices, before celebrating the event with a traditional lion dance and refreshments at the tower’s sky garden.
Sunil and Honda both highlighted the importance of following the genko itchi principle, a Japanese saying that roughly translates to “match words with deeds”.
She encouraged Malaysians to personally take up the pledge to commit to sustainability.